Suicide prevention and crisis helplines operate 24/7, offering free and anonymous support to those facing emotional or mental health challenges. It's important to recognize that crisis hotlines are not solely for those contemplating suicide. Individuals can call for various reasons, such as depression, negative thoughts, or anxiety. A trained responder or counselor will answer your call, listen to your concerns, and provide emotional support.
Prioritizing mental health is essential, so don't hesitate to reach out before a situation becomes worse.
Toll-free for Globe/TM: 2919
Mobile: (0917) 558-4673
Toll-free Landline: 1553
Mobile: 0917-899-8727
Landline: (02) 8893-7603
Mobile: 0917-800-1123
Mobile: 0922-893-8944
Mobile: 0939-936-5433
Mobile: 0927-654-1629
We have access to a free online toolkit developed by a group of mental health researchers at NYU. Those who complete this comprehensive questionnaire will receive personalized resources on relationships and wellness. So, it not only pinpoints your areas for improvement, but it also provides tools for assistance.
We recommend those seeking help to consider the services of MPDC, a mental health clinic. Anyone referred to MPDC through the PCMH website will receive a 20% discount on service fees.
"MPDC is a public service oriented community clinic, providing a full range of preventive, diagnostic , therapeutic inpatient & outpatient clinic and mental health wellness services."
"The aim of MPDC's work has been to offer physically & mentally disabled individuals day to day living that is as rich, absorbing and worthwhile as possible, with an emphasis on helping individuals live up to their maximum potential in the community."
MPDC - is an "American Medical Association Physican's Recognition Awardee."